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Cooking Coke To Crack In A Spoon

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by ersitenfi1973 2020. 2. 20. 07:14


At a 3-1 ratio of baking soda-cocaine, put in a glass dish, preferably pyrex obviously, and add water just enough to saturate the coke and dissolve it. Microwave for around 2 minutes depending on amount. Some say bring it to a boil but dont risk it because 'itll overcook the yell and then it wont sell'. The temp of a steamy shower is perfect. Pull it out the microwave, add drops of cold water.

Stir with a forkuntil it stops rocking, pour out most of the water, stir a lil more, scoop out your dope. You'll always have a little leftover in the dish that can be cooked again to scrape it upsource: was employed by the CIA in the 80s. From a Google on it.Cocaine is expensive to buy on the streets. Crack was developed was as a cheaper alternative to cocaine, making it more easily affordable to users.


As a less expensive alternative, it became more accessible to those in the lower socioeconomic demographic. These people had less disposable income available to spend on drugs, but they were seeking options to get high. This brought crack use to low-income and minority communities.

By the 1980s, there was an epidemic of crack use in these communities.As a result, there is a public perception that cocaine is associated with more affluent drug users, whereas crack use is associated with those in lower income brackets and minorities. Despite this widespread belief, information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed that in 1991, the majority of crack users were Caucasian.Generally, those who want a more intense, faster, cheaper high are attracted to crack. Some people begin with cocaine use and then transition to crack use when the habit of cocaine use is too expensive to maintain.According to the National Study on Drug Use and Health, in 2008, there were 1.9 million cocaine users, of which 359,000 used crack. As someone who just knows how to make it, it really has alot of variables.say you take a 'rich mans' coke which means its quality (higher percentage) and cook 1 gram of it in a vile and the weight of the cooked rock determines what percentage the coke is or was, say it weighs 0.92 from 1 gram it means the coke is 92% and im sure you kinda get it now. Most citys i know of have only 5 people with the actual connections to get the pure cocaine in a powder from and that all goes down the grapevine amongst other drug dealers and each add their own cut so you kind of need to get good coke to make it because once it hits the bottom line of the guy selling half grams of it chances are its less than 60% actual coke per the gram.

Cooking Coke To Crack In A Spoon Video

Once you cook it with other peoples fillers it goes yellow and alot of crackheads dont mind but it kind of shits on your name. Point is everyone has different% coke it depends where you get it and how much it was broken down until someone sold it to you.Another thing i should mention is crackheads constantly come to buy more back some even come 5 times a day to people i have known, people who buy coke usually buy it and dont have that crazy of an addiction on it so they aren't as frequent as crackheads but they are still addicts who are wasting their money on a drug that slowly kills them and parts of them.

Click to expand.damn its hard to say with the method they got on there.like i said, we cooked it up on a spoon every time we rocked it up. Just a pinch of baking soda not where it fills up the spoon or anything.and a few drops of water. Its hard to master cooking it right.it might come out rocky and it might come out soft and sticky. There will be residue on the spoon. You just want the crack, not the other shit. I wouldnt say cook up a gram at once. Just do a little on the spoon.or if you dont want to waste your coke which you will the first time trying to cook it.go buy crack instead of coke, dealers know what theyre doing, they rock it up where its potent as shit most of the time.