Battalion Colours. (Pictured are the Colours circa1970) The history of Colours iscovered comprehensively on other pages of this site. The tradition ofcolours and the strict conventions applied and the respect accorded themmust be a matter of common knowledge for every soldier. An officer orsoldier passing uncased Colours of his own regiment or other corps orfriendly service is to salute them.
Colours are the jealous possessionof the battalion. They do not leave the Battalion's possession when inservice. No one but the Battalion may claim them. When they are beingmoved from, or to the place they are usually kept, they are to beescorted. When the colours are not being carried they are to be housedin the Officers Mess.
When the Battalion is on active service orfunctioning in such a way that its custody of the Colours is notpossible, the Colours are housed for safe keeping before leavingAustralia. Gloves are to be worn at all times while carrying thecolours.
The Battalion was presented new colours on 12 October 1984, bythe Governor General, The Right Honourable Sir Ninian Stephens, AK,GCMG, GCVO, KBE and laid up the old colours on 13 October 1984. TheCommanding Officer at the time LTCOL M.J. Keating and the RSM, WO1 J.H.Dunshea, paraded the colours for the last time to the All Saints Chapelat Lavarack Barracks where they remained until 9 May 1995.
The colourswere then relocated to Sydney where they are now on show in theBattalion Headquarters building. The soldiers can view the colours tomaintain the traditions of the Regiment. The old Queen's Colour is thedesign of the Union Jack and the current Queen's Colour is the design ofthe Australian National flag. HISTORY OF 4 RARincluding4RAR/NZ (ANZAC)Thispage is dedicated to the CQMS of Delta Coy.
4RAR/NZ (ANZAC) on theirsecond tour, S/Sgt (later WO1) R J 'Bob'Hann.On 18 January 1952, a RoyalAustralian Regiment Depot was raised as a training unit for specialestablishment on the Order of Battle.The Depot was later renamed 4 RAR,on 10 March 1952.This renaming was necessary because Government approvalhad been given to raise a Battalion and not a Depot.The primary functionof 4 RAR at the time was to train and hold infantrymen for service inKorea.On 24 March 1960, the unit was incorporated into the School ofInfantry as Depot Company, The Royal Australian Regiment. During 2/4 RARs deployment toRwanda on Operation Tamar in 1994, that the Government madethe decision to unlink the 2nd/4th Battalion.This was a result of the1994 Defence White Paper that identified the need for an additionalInfantry Battalion to enhance the Army's capability to meet strategicguidance requirements.On 15 Jan 95, LTCOL R.C. Smith who wasposted to Land Headquarters and had carried out the detailed planning toraise the Battalion, was appointed Commanding Officer of 4 RAR.A Project Team for the raising of theadditional infantry battalion was formed on 23 Nov 94, to beginplanning. This consisted initially of the CO, LTCOL R.C. Smith and RSM,WO1 K.R. Shortly afterwards additional personnel with futureappointments in the Battalion were posted to the Project Team.The Courts Martial Room at LandHeadquarters, Victoria Barracks, Paddington along with numerouscomputers and mobile phones, were made available for the Project Team tocommence work. This was the beginning of the new technology Battalion.Manning was approved for 69 ARA and 103 GRes soldiers in the first year,building to 3 ARA rifle companies and 1 GRes rifle company by 1998.
TheGeneral Reserve would also have proportional elements in Support andAdmin Companies giving respective strengths of 556 ARA and 150 GRes.Therefore, the total unit strength would be 706.The 2nd/4th Battalion was unlinked bythe Chief of the General Staff, LTGEN J.C. Grey, AO on a parade atSamichon Lines, Lavarack Barracks, Townsville at 1500 hrs on 1 Feb 95.After the parade the colours wereescorted to Holsworthy on 2 Feb 95, by the Adjutant, CAPT S.J.
Kluverand SSGT G.J. Stanworth, where a ceremonial parade was held at 1600 hrsto uncase the colours to mark this auspicious occasion. The ReviewingOfficer for the parade was MAJGEN P.N. Arnison, AO and the Host Officerwas BRIG A.J.
Molan, AM Commander 1st Brigade.The Battalion enjoyed strong ties withthe 4th Infantry Battalions Association and was barracked at JordanLines, Holsworthy. It was intended the Battalion would occupy TobrukLines when 5/7 RAR (Mech) moved to Darwin in 1998. The Battalion finallymoved into Tobruk Lines in November 2000 prior to Christmas, to enableThe Battalion to conduct training before deploying to East Timor inApril.4 RAR (COMMANDO)In 1996, a decision was made toconvert the Battalion to a Special Forces unit and on 1 Feb 97 wasre-rolled to 4 RAR (Cdo). Regular serving members were given theopportunity to undertake special forces training or elect a posting to aconventional forces unit. No GRes positions existed in the new structureand reserve members discharged or posted to GRes units. Smithand WO1 Kahler remained in the unit during the first year before handingover to LTCOL N.L.
Thompson on 29 Nov 97 and WO1 A. Forsyth on 12 Jan 98respectively.The initial years were busy creating astructure and recruiting memberssuitable for commando training. Bravo Coy was raised first followed byCharlie Coy in 1999, both taking 2-3 years to reach maturity. The paceof battalion life during these development years was hectic withcapability development, equipment acquisition and training, focussingevery member’s attention. Thompson (29 Nov 97-17 Nov 99)and WO1 A.
Forsyth (12 Jan 98-16 Jan 00) oversaw much of thisconsolidation period in an era involving preparation for the SydneyOlympics and much of the ADF being focussed on operational deploymentsto East Timor.LTCOL J.J. Sengelman assumed commandof the unit on 18 Nov 99 and quickly prepared Bravo Coy to assumeoperational responsibilities on 1 Mar 00, in accordance with OPOserials.
In addition to this, Charlie Coy were tasked with providingsupport to SASR during the Olympics. LTCOL Sengelman was assisted by hisnew RSM, WO1 R.E.
Lambert, who commenced work on 17 Jan 00.
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